SAST, Subdomain takeover, IAM Rightsizing, Shadow admin, BYOD

November 6, 2023

Our dedicated teams have been tirelessly working delivering exceptional capabilities and features. In response to the valuable feedback received from our esteemed customers, we have significantly bolstered our investments in code security.
Continue reading to discover the remarkable strides we have made during the month of October.

Code Vulnerability Scanning

We are enhancing our code security offerings with the implementation of Static Application Security Testing (SAST). By utilizing SAST, we can thoroughly analyze your source code to identify any potential security vulnerabilities right from the start, even during the PR process. This, combined with our secret scanning capabilities, will grant you a greater level of visibility into any code issues that may arise.
Code Vulnerability scanning dashboard

Holistic view code scans

List of vulnerabilities with details

Subdomain Takeover Validations

Protect your subdomains from potential hijackers. With Cloudanix's advanced capabilities, we can identify these risks and provide effective remediation strategies to keep your domains secure.
List of available risks with remediation

IAM Rightsizing for AWS & GCP

Cloudanix conducts a comprehensive analysis of permissions for all IAM principles, identifying both utilized and unused permissions. Our solution then assists in optimizing and aligning these permissions to adhere to the principles of least privilege, ensuring the perfect fit for your organization.

Malicious IP Detection

Introducing Cloudanix's capability to identify and thwart malicious IP activities within your cloud environments, seamlessly integrated into our Events monitoring feature.

Global Search with Identity Data

Discover the power of our enhanced global search feature, now with Identity Information! Easily search for any IAM principal and uncover their privileges and misconfigurations, all conveniently in one place.
Global search feature including Identity data

IAM Shadow Admin Detection

Our enhanced IAM Policies now have the ability to detect shadow admins, individuals who can manipulate their privileges to gain admin access and potentially seize control of the account.

Bring Your Own Data (BYOD)

Bring your security findings from external sources. Now, enjoy seamless integration with GuardDuty out of the box.
Bring your own data at Cloudanix

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