What is Container Security?

What is Container Security?

The process involved in protecting containerized applications from possible threats is known as container security. The term containerized application focuses mainly on packaged software which consists of everything that is required to run the application, including the code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and settings required. These containerized applications are vulnerable and not limited to vulnerable containers, but also misconfigured containers, lack of isolation, supply chain attacks, and many others.
Secure Your Container Based Workloads

How can cloud containers create their own attack surface?

Insecure container images, misconfigured containers, lack of isolation, etc are some of the general attack vectors. Cloud-based containers face a number of specific challenges that unknowingly create their own attack surface. A few are explained below;

  • Multitenacy: You must be aware of the fact that multiple users share the same physical infrastructure, which makes the cloud Multitenant. Even if a single user’s containerized application is compromised here, it can create security vulnerabilities for many other users.
  • Ephemeral in nature: Cloud-based containers are created and destroyed on an as-and-when-needed basis. These practices make it difficult to track and monitor the container activity, creating an easy way for attackers to hide their malicious data or practices.
  • Complexity: With the involvement of many different components, cloud-based container environments get more and more complex. This complexity makes it difficult to identify and remediate any security vulnerabilities taking place.

Why container security is important?

Recently the use of cloud for hosting applications has increased rapidly, in return increasing the use of cloud-based containers. Another reason for this hype in containerized applications is the end-business benefits that containers provide eg. portability, scalability, and efficiency for both engineering and non-engineering-led teams. This increases the risk of attack surfaces for both insider and outsider.
Cloud-based container security is important as it allows for safeguarding these aspects of vulnerabilities. By implementing effective container security measures, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches, malware infections, and other security incidents.

Below are a few examples of “Why container security is important?”

Vulnerability scanning

Container security tools can be used to scan container images for vulnerabilities before they are deployed to production. This can help to identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers.

Misconfiguration detection

Container security tools can be used to detect misconfigurations in containerized applications. Misconfigurations can create security vulnerabilities, so it is important to identify and remediate them as soon as possible.

Threat detection and response

Container security tools can be used to detect and respond to threats against containerized applications. This can include detecting malicious activity, such as unauthorized access and attacks, and responding to threats by isolating affected containers and remediating vulnerabilities.


Cloud-based container security tools can help organizations comply with industry regulations that require certain security measures to be implemented. For example, many regulations require organizations to scan container images for vulnerabilities and to implement security best practices for deploying and managing containerized applications.

By implementing cloud-based container security measures, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches, misconfigurations, ransomware attacks, and other security incidents. This can help to protect sensitive data, prevent disruption to operations, and maintain the reputation of the organization.

What are the benefits of using container security?

Containers covering a wide-spread area of engineering-led tasks, securing them can provide a lot of security benefits to individual teams and businesses as a whole. Below are some of the benefits that cannot be overlooked.

  • Improved security posture: Container security tools can help to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in container images, detect and respond to threats against containerized applications, and ensure that containerized applications are deployed and managed securely. This in return builds a strong and secure posture.
  • Reduced risk of security incidents: Container security tools can help to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in container images, launching successful attacks against containerized applications, and stealing data or disrupting operations.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity: Container security tools can help to automate many of the tasks involved in securing containerized applications, such as vulnerability scanning, misconfiguration detection, and threat response. This can free up engineering teams to focus on other important tasks, such as developing and improving applications.
  • Improved compliance: Many industries are subject to regulations that require organizations to implement certain security measures. Container security can help organizations to comply with these regulations by providing visibility into the security posture of their containerized applications and by helping to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.
  • Increased customer trust: Customers are increasingly concerned about the security of their data. By implementing container security measures, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to data security and build trust with their customers. Customer trust is important for businesses because it can lead to increased sales and loyalty.
Container security can benefit organizations in several ways. In addition to that, it provides a more agile and secure cloud environment for their development and deployment processes. Automating security controls from day one makes it easier to bridge the gap between various teams within an organization.

What are the core areas of container security?

The four core areas where container security makes an impact are

Container image security

  • Scan container images for vulnerabilities before deploying them to production.
  • Use secure base images when creating container images.
  • Keep container images up to date with the latest security patches.

Container runtime security

  • Use a secure container runtime environment.
  • Implement security best practices for running containerized applications, such as least privilege access and network isolation.
  • Monitor container activity for suspicious activity.

Container orchestration security

  • Use a secure container orchestration platform.
  • Implement security best practices for managing and deploying containerized applications using a container orchestration platform, such as role-based access control and audit logging.
  • Monitor container orchestration activity for suspicious activity.

Container supply chain security

  • Use a secure container to build a pipeline.
  • Scan container images for vulnerabilities before deploying them to production.
  • Use a secure container registry to store container images.

What are the best practices for securing containers?

To get things started, organizations can follow some basic steps to secure their containers.

  • When creating container images, use base images that are from trusted sources and that have been scanned for vulnerabilities.
  • Apply the latest security patches to container images as soon as they are available.
  • Only include the necessary components in container images and avoid exposing unnecessary ports.
  • Run containers with the least privileges necessary.
  • Use role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict access to containerized applications and resources.
  • Regularly scan container images and containerized applications for vulnerabilities.
  • Use network isolation to isolate containerized applications from each other and from the underlying host system.
  • Monitor container activity for any suspicious activity and investigate anomalies promptly.
  • A CSPM tool can help you to identify and remediate security misconfigurations in your container environment.
  • Educate your development and operations teams about container security best practices.
In addition to these, organizations can also consider following the below best practices to secure their cloud-based containers;

  • Use a container orchestration platform such as Kubernetes to manage and deploy containerized applications. Container orchestration platforms can help you automate many security tasks, such as network isolation and vulnerability scanning.
  • Implement security policies for your container environment. These policies should define how containerized applications should be deployed and managed, and how security incidents should be handled.
  • Regularly review your container security posture and make adjustments as needed. The threat landscape is constantly evolving, so it is important to keep your security measures up to date.

What are the challenges of implementing container security?

Many challenges are faced by organizations and security teams when implementing container security. Below, we have listed three such challenges with their possible remediation. Let us take a look at it.

Lack of visibility into container activity and security posture

Implement a container security posture management (CSPM) tool to gain visibility into container activity and security posture. A CSPM tool can help you to identify security misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and threats in your container environment.

Lack of skills and experience with container security

Educate your security team about container security best practices and train them on how to use container security tools. You may also want to consider hiring security professionals with container security expertise.

Difficulty integrating container security tools into existing security infrastructure

Choose container security tools that are compatible with your existing security infrastructure. You may also need to work with your security team to develop a plan for integrating container security tools into your existing workflow.

Few additional security tips that can do wonders for your organization if given a priority;

  • Start by assessing your current container security posture. This will help you to identify the areas where you need to improve.
  • Develop a container security plan. This plan should define your goals, objectives, and strategies for implementing container security.
  • Implement the necessary security measures. This may include using a CSPM tool, implementing security policies, and training your team on container security best practices.
  • Monitor your container environment for security incidents.
  • Regularly review your container security posture and make adjustments as needed.

How to test if the applied security policies are working properly?

To make sure that the applied security policies and techniques are leveraged and working properly, organizations and their security teams can perform various tests. Understand that no single test can identify all security vulnerabilities and weaknesses. It is important to use a variety of testing methods to get a comprehensive view of the security of your container environment.

Some of the effective methods are;

  • Vulnerability scanning: This involves scanning container images and containerized applications for vulnerabilities. Vulnerability scanners can be used to identify both known and unknown vulnerabilities.
  • Penetration testing: This involves simulating attacks on containerized applications to identify security weaknesses. Penetration testing can be used to test the effectiveness of security controls, such as network isolation and access controls.
  • Red teaming: This involves using a team of security professionals to simulate attacks on containerized applications realistically. Red teaming can be used to identify security vulnerabilities and to test the response of the security team to an attack.

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Secure Your Containers With Cloudanix

Cloudanix provides a central dashboard for securing AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud platforms through its Cloud Security Platform, which includes features such as CWPP, Container security, and IAM permission boundaries, Misconfigurations and many more.
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