GCP VPC Monitoring

Your network binds everything together

What we do?

Default VPC Should Not Be Used

Determines whether the default VPC is being used for launching new services or artifacts. The default VPC should not be used in order to avoid launching multiple services in the same network which may not require connectivity. Each application, or network tier, should use its own VPC.

Interfaces With Default VPC

Lists all the network interfaces resources from those instances that have default VPC in use.

Firewall Rules Should Be Minimum

Ensure that firewall rules are kept at a minimum

Private Access Should Be Enabled For Subnets

Ensures Private Google Access is enabled for all Subnets. Private Google Access allows VM instances on a subnet to reach Google APIs and services without an IP address. This creates a more secure network for the internal communication.

VNC Server Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 5900 for VNC Server is open to the public. While some ports such as HTTP and HTTPS are required to be open to the public to function properly, more sensitive services such as VNC Server should be restricted to known IP addresses.

VNC Client Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 5500 for VNC Client is open to the public. While some ports such as HTTP and HTTPS are required to be open to the public to function properly, more sensitive services such as VNC Client should be restricted to known IP addresses.

Telnet Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 23 for Telnet is open to the public.

SSH Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 22 for SSH is open to the public.

SQL Server Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 1433 or UDP port 1434 for SQL Server is open to the public.

SMTP Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 25 for SMTP is open to the public. While some ports such as HTTP and HTTPS are required to be open to the public to function properly, more sensitive services such as SMTP should be restricted to known IP addresses.

Windows SMB Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 445 for Windows SMB over TCP is open to the public.

RPC Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 135 for RPC is open to the public.

RDP Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 3389 for RDP is open to the public

PostgreSQL Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 5432 for PostgreSQL is open to the public

Oracle Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 1521 for Oracle is open to the public

NetBIOS Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if UDP port 137 or 138 for NetBIOS is open to the public

MySQL Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 4333 or 3306 for MySQL is open to the public

Kibana Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 5601 for Kibana is open to the public

Hadoop HDFS Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 50070 and 50470 for Hadoop/HDFS NameNode WebUI service is open to the public

Hadoop HDFS NameNode Metadata Service Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 8020 for HDFS NameNode metadata service is open to the public.

FTP Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP port 20 or 21 for FTP is open to the public.

DNS Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if TCP or UDP port 53 for DNS is open to the public.

CIFS Port Should Not Be Open

Determines if UDP port 445 for CIFS is open to the public

All Ports Should Not Be Open To Public

Determines if all ports are open to the public.

VPC Flow Logs Should Be Enabled

Ensures VPC flow logs are enabled for traffic logging.

DNSSEC Should Be Enabled For Cloud DNS

Ensure that DNSSEC is enabled for Cloud DNS.

Legacy Networks Should Not Be Used

Ensure legacy networks do not exist for a project.

RSASHA1 Should Not Be Used For Key Signing

Ensure that RSASHA1 is not used for the key-signing key in Cloud DNS DNSSEC.

RSASHA1 Should Not Be Used For Zone Signing

Ensure that RSASHA1 is not used for the zone-signing key in Cloud DNS DNSSEC.

Load Balancers Should Not Allow Weak Cypher Suites

Ensure no HTTPS or SSL proxy load balancers permit SSL policies with weak cipher suites.