More Info:

AWS S3 buckets should use Object Lock for data protection and/or regulatory compliance and in order to prevent the objects they store from being deleted.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards



Using Console

To remediate the issue of not being able to enable S3 Bucket Object Lock after bucket creation using AWS Customer Support, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the AWS Support Center:

  2. Create a new support case:

    • Click on “Create case” to initiate a new support case.
    • Select the appropriate support plan for your AWS account.
  3. Provide necessary details:

    • In the “Regarding” field, select “Amazon S3” as the service.
    • Choose the appropriate category and severity for your case.
    • Provide a clear and concise description of the issue, explaining that you need to enable Object Lock on an existing S3 bucket and it’s currently not possible after bucket creation.
  4. Submit the support case:

    • Review the details you have provided and make sure they are accurate.
    • Click on “Submit” to create the support case.
  5. Engage with AWS Customer Support:

    • An AWS Support representative will review your case and reach out to you for further clarification or information if needed.
    • Work closely with the representative to explain your requirements and inquire about possible solutions or workarounds.
    • AWS Customer Support will provide guidance and assistance to help resolve the issue, which may involve actions on their end or providing alternative options.

Additional Reading: