More Info:

This rule checks if a stateless Network Firewall Rule Group contains rules. It ensures that there are rules defined in the stateless Network Firewall Rule Group. The rule is marked as non-compliant if there are no rules in the stateless Network Firewall Rule Group.

Risk Level




Compliance Standards



Using Console

To remediate the non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2 using AWS console, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Amazon VPC Console: Go to the AWS Management Console, navigate to the VPC service.

  2. Navigate to Security Groups: In the VPC dashboard, click on “Security Groups” in the left-hand menu.

  3. Identify the Security Group: Identify the security group that has non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups. You can check the rules defined in each security group to find the non-empty ones.

  4. Edit the Security Group: Select the security group that needs to be remediated and click on the “Inbound Rules” or “Outbound Rules” tab, depending on where the non-empty rule group is present.

  5. Remove Non-Empty Stateless Rules: Look for any rules that are not required or are unnecessarily broad. To remove a rule, select it and click on the “Delete” or “Remove” button.

  6. Add Necessary Rules: If any necessary rules were inadvertently removed, add them back in a way that follows the principle of least privilege. Click on the “Add Rule” button to define a new rule.

  7. Review and Save Changes: Once you have removed the non-empty stateless rules and added any necessary rules, review the changes to ensure they align with your security requirements. Click on the “Save” or “Apply” button to apply the changes.

  8. Verify the Security Group: After saving the changes, verify that the security group no longer contains any non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups.

By following these steps, you can successfully remediate the non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2 using the AWS console.

Using CLI

To remediate the issue of having non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2 using AWS CLI, follow these steps:

  1. List all the security groups in your AWS account using the following AWS CLI command:
aws ec2 describe-security-groups
  1. Identify the security group that has non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups. Look for the security group with the IpPermissions attribute that contains rules.

  2. Note down the Group ID of the security group that needs to be remediated.

  3. Remove all the inbound and outbound rules from the identified security group using the following AWS CLI command:

aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress --group-id YOUR_SECURITY_GROUP_ID --protocol all --port all --cidr
aws ec2 revoke-security-group-egress --group-id YOUR_SECURITY_GROUP_ID --protocol all --port all --cidr

Replace YOUR_SECURITY_GROUP_ID with the actual Group ID of the identified security group.

  1. Verify that the security group no longer has any inbound or outbound rules by describing the security group using the following AWS CLI command:
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids YOUR_SECURITY_GROUP_ID
  1. Once you have confirmed that the security group is now empty, you have successfully remediated the issue of having non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2.

By following these steps, you can effectively remediate the misconfiguration of having non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2 using AWS CLI.

Using Python

To remediate the misconfiguration of having non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2 using Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to interact with the AWS EC2 service.

  2. List all the security groups associated with your EC2 instances.

  3. For each security group, check if there are any stateless network firewall rule groups that are not empty.

  4. If you find any non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups, remove the rules from the security group.

  5. Here is a sample Python code snippet that demonstrates how to achieve this:

import boto3

# Initialize the EC2 client
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')

# Get all security groups
response = ec2_client.describe_security_groups()

for sg in response['SecurityGroups']:
    group_id = sg['GroupId']
    # Check if the security group is stateless and non-empty
    if sg['IpPermissionsEgress'] and not sg['IpPermissions']:
        # Remove all egress rules from the security group
        ec2_client.revoke_security_group_egress(GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=sg['IpPermissionsEgress'])
        print(f"Revoked egress rules for security group: {group_id}")
  1. Make sure to replace the placeholder values like YourRegion and YourProfile with your actual AWS region and profile name in the code snippet.

  2. Run the Python script to remediate the non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in your AWS EC2 security groups.

By following these steps and running the provided Python script, you can remediate the misconfiguration of having non-empty stateless network firewall rule groups in AWS EC2.