Event Information

  • The google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.DeleteCluster event in GCP for Kubernetes Engine indicates that a cluster deletion operation has been initiated.
  • This event is triggered when a user or an automated process requests the deletion of a Kubernetes Engine cluster in GCP.
  • The event signifies that the cluster and all its associated resources, such as nodes, pods, and services, will be permanently removed from the GCP environment.


  • Unauthorized access: If an attacker gains unauthorized access to the GCP project or the Kubernetes Engine cluster, they could potentially use the google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.DeleteCluster event to delete the entire cluster, resulting in a loss of all the running containers and their associated data.

  • Misconfiguration: If the google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.DeleteCluster event is triggered due to a misconfiguration, it could lead to accidental deletion of the cluster. For example, if the event is triggered by a misconfigured automation script or a misinterpreted command, it could result in the deletion of the cluster without proper authorization or intention.

  • Insider threat: If a malicious insider gains access to the GCP project or the Kubernetes Engine cluster, they could abuse the google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.DeleteCluster event to intentionally delete the cluster, causing disruption to the applications and services running on it. This could be done for various reasons, such as revenge, sabotage, or unauthorized access to sensitive data.


Using Console

  1. Identify the issue: Use the GCP console to navigate to the Kubernetes Engine section and select the cluster where the issue is occurring. Look for any alerts or notifications related to the specific issue.

  2. Analyze the root cause: Review the logs and monitoring data available in the GCP console to understand the underlying cause of the issue. Look for any error messages, performance metrics, or anomalies that can help identify the problem.

  3. Take remedial actions: Based on the specific examples mentioned in the previous response, here are the step-by-step instructions to remediate the issues using the GCP console:

    a. Example 1: Insufficient resources in the Kubernetes cluster

    • Navigate to the Kubernetes Engine section in the GCP console.
    • Select the cluster where the issue is occurring.
    • Click on the “Nodes” tab to view the list of nodes in the cluster.
    • Check the resource utilization of each node and identify any nodes that are running out of resources.
    • Increase the resources (CPU, memory, etc.) for the affected nodes by clicking on the “Edit” button next to the node and adjusting the resource allocation.
    • Monitor the cluster to ensure that the resource issue is resolved.

    b. Example 2: Insecure Kubernetes API access

    • Navigate to the Kubernetes Engine section in the GCP console.
    • Select the cluster where the issue is occurring.
    • Click on the “Security” tab to view the security settings of the cluster.
    • Check the access controls and authentication mechanisms in place for the Kubernetes API.
    • Update the access controls to ensure that only authorized users or services have access to the API.
    • Enable authentication mechanisms like RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) or OIDC (OpenID Connect) to secure the API access.
    • Monitor the cluster to ensure that unauthorized access to the Kubernetes API is prevented.

    c. Example 3: Misconfigured network policies

    • Navigate to the Kubernetes Engine section in the GCP console.
    • Select the cluster where the issue is occurring.
    • Click on the “Networking” tab to view the network settings of the cluster.
    • Check the network policies configured for the cluster and identify any misconfigurations.
    • Update the network policies to ensure that the desired traffic flow is allowed and any unnecessary access is restricted.
    • Monitor the cluster to ensure that the network policies are correctly configured and enforced.

Note: The specific steps may vary depending on the exact issue and the GCP console interface, but the general approach remains the same.

Using CLI

To remediate the issues in GCP Kubernetes Engine using GCP CLI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable Kubernetes Engine Pod Security Policies:

    • Use the following command to enable the PodSecurityPolicy feature:
      gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME] --enable-pod-security-policy
  2. Configure Network Policies:

    • Install the kubectl command-line tool if not already installed.
    • Create a network policy YAML file with the desired network policy rules.
    • Apply the network policy to the cluster using the following command:
      kubectl apply -f [NETWORK_POLICY_YAML_FILE]
  3. Implement Pod Security Policies:

    • Create a Pod Security Policy YAML file with the desired security policies.
    • Apply the Pod Security Policy to the cluster using the following command:
      kubectl apply -f [POD_SECURITY_POLICY_YAML_FILE]

Note: Replace [CLUSTER_NAME], [NETWORK_POLICY_YAML_FILE], and [POD_SECURITY_POLICY_YAML_FILE] with the actual values specific to your environment.

Using Python

To remediate the issues in GCP Kubernetes Engine using Python, you can use the following approaches:

  1. Automating Cluster Creation:
    • Use the google-cloud-sdk library to programmatically create a GKE cluster.
    • Write a Python script that utilizes the ContainerClient from the google.cloud.container_v1 module to create a new cluster.
    • Set the necessary parameters such as cluster name, zone, node pool configuration, and network settings.
from google.cloud import container_v1

def create_gke_cluster(project_id, zone, cluster_name):
    client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient()
    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{zone}"
    cluster = {
        "name": cluster_name,
        # Add other necessary parameters
    operation = client.create_cluster(parent=parent, cluster=cluster)
    print(f"Cluster {cluster_name} created successfully.")

create_gke_cluster("my-project", "us-central1-a", "my-cluster")
  1. Configuring Pod Security Policies:
    • Use the kubernetes library to interact with the Kubernetes API and configure Pod Security Policies (PSPs).
    • Write a Python script that creates a PSP object and applies it to the GKE cluster.
    • Set the necessary parameters such as privileged access, allowed volumes, and security context constraints.
from kubernetes import client, config

def create_pod_security_policy(cluster_name, psp_name):
    api = client.PolicyV1beta1Api()
    psp = {
        "metadata": {
            "name": psp_name,
            # Add other necessary parameters
        "spec": {
            # Add PSP spec details
    print(f"Pod Security Policy {psp_name} created successfully.")

create_pod_security_policy("my-cluster", "my-psp")
  1. Implementing Network Policies:
    • Use the kubernetes library to interact with the Kubernetes API and implement Network Policies.
    • Write a Python script that creates a Network Policy object and applies it to the GKE cluster.
    • Set the necessary parameters such as ingress/egress rules, pod selectors, and network policy types.
from kubernetes import client, config

def create_network_policy(cluster_name, network_policy_name):
    api = client.NetworkingV1Api()
    network_policy = {
        "metadata": {
            "name": network_policy_name,
            # Add other necessary parameters
        "spec": {
            # Add network policy spec details
    api.create_namespaced_network_policy("default", network_policy)
    print(f"Network Policy {network_policy_name} created successfully.")

create_network_policy("my-cluster", "my-network-policy")

Please note that the above scripts assume that you have the necessary libraries (google-cloud-sdk, kubernetes) installed and configured properly. Adjust the parameters and configurations as per your specific requirements.