Event Information

  1. The Microsoft.ContainerService.containerServices.delete event in Azure for Azure Container Service indicates that a container service instance has been deleted.
  2. This event signifies the removal of a container service, which includes the underlying infrastructure and resources associated with it.
  3. It is important to note that deleting a container service will permanently remove all the containers, virtual machines, and other resources associated with it, so caution should be exercised before triggering this event.


  1. Unauthorized deletion: If security is impacted with Microsoft.ContainerService.containerServices.delete in Azure for Azure Container Service, an example could be an unauthorized user gaining access to the Azure portal or API credentials and deleting the container service. This could result in the loss of critical infrastructure and data.

  2. Lack of access controls: Another example could be the absence of proper access controls and permissions for the Microsoft.ContainerService.containerServices.delete operation. If users with insufficient privileges are able to perform this action, it could lead to accidental or malicious deletion of container services, impacting security.

  3. Insufficient logging and monitoring: Inadequate logging and monitoring of the Microsoft.ContainerService.containerServices.delete operation can also impact security. Without proper visibility into who performed the deletion and when it occurred, it becomes challenging to detect and investigate any unauthorized or suspicious activities, potentially leaving the environment vulnerable to further attacks.


Using Console

To remediate the issues related to Azure Container Service using the Azure console, you can follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Enable Azure Security Center:

    • Go to the Azure portal and search for “Security Center” in the search bar.
    • Select “Security Center” from the results and click on it.
    • In the Security Center dashboard, click on “Pricing & settings” in the left-hand menu.
    • Select the subscription and resource group associated with your Azure Container Service.
    • Click on “Apply to all resources” to enable Security Center for all resources in the selected subscription and resource group.
    • Review the pricing tier options and select the appropriate tier for your needs.
    • Click on “Save” to enable Security Center.
  2. Implement Network Security Groups (NSGs):

    • Go to the Azure portal and search for “Virtual networks” in the search bar.
    • Select “Virtual networks” from the results and click on it.
    • Select the virtual network associated with your Azure Container Service.
    • In the virtual network settings, click on “Subnets” in the left-hand menu.
    • Select the subnet used by your Azure Container Service.
    • Click on “Network security group” and then “Create new” to create a new NSG.
    • Configure the NSG rules to allow only necessary inbound and outbound traffic for your Azure Container Service.
    • Click on “OK” to save the NSG settings.
  3. Enable Azure Monitor for Containers:

    • Go to the Azure portal and search for “Monitor” in the search bar.
    • Select “Monitor” from the results and click on it.
    • In the Monitor dashboard, click on “Containers” in the left-hand menu.
    • Click on “Enable” to enable Azure Monitor for Containers.
    • Select the subscription and resource group associated with your Azure Container Service.
    • Review the pricing tier options and select the appropriate tier for your needs.
    • Click on “Save” to enable Azure Monitor for Containers.

These steps will help you remediate the issues related to Azure Container Service using the Azure console, ensuring better security and monitoring for your environment.

Using CLI

To remediate the issue with Azure Container Service using Azure CLI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade the Azure Container Service:

    • Use the az aks upgrade command to upgrade the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to the latest version.
    • Example: az aks upgrade --name <aks-cluster-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name>
  2. Enable Azure Monitor for Containers:

    • Use the az aks enable-addons command to enable Azure Monitor for Containers on the AKS cluster.
    • Example: az aks enable-addons --name <aks-cluster-name> --resource-group <resource-group-name> --addons monitoring
  3. Configure Log Analytics workspace:

    • Use the az monitor log-analytics workspace create command to create a Log Analytics workspace.
    • Example: az monitor log-analytics workspace create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --workspace-name <workspace-name> --location <location>

Note: Replace <aks-cluster-name>, <resource-group-name>, <workspace-name>, and <location> with the appropriate values specific to your environment.

Using Python

To remediate Azure Container Service issues using Python, you can use the Azure SDK for Python. Here are three examples of how you can use Python scripts to remediate Azure Container Service issues:

  1. Restart a Container Instance:
from azure.mgmt.containerinstance import ContainerInstanceManagementClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# Authenticate using DefaultAzureCredential
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()

# Create a Container Instance Management Client
container_client = ContainerInstanceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)

# Restart a specific container instance
container_client.container_groups.restart(resource_group_name, container_group_name, container_name)
  1. Scale a Container Group:
from azure.mgmt.containerinstance import ContainerInstanceManagementClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# Authenticate using DefaultAzureCredential
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()

# Create a Container Instance Management Client
container_client = ContainerInstanceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)

# Scale the container group to a specific number of instances
container_client.container_groups.update(resource_group_name, container_group_name, {'containers': [{'name': container_name}], 'os_type': 'Linux', 'restart_policy': 'Always', 'instance_count': 3})
  1. Update Environment Variables of a Container Group:
from azure.mgmt.containerinstance import ContainerInstanceManagementClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# Authenticate using DefaultAzureCredential
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()

# Create a Container Instance Management Client
container_client = ContainerInstanceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)

# Update environment variables of a container group
container_client.container_groups.update(resource_group_name, container_group_name, {'containers': [{'name': container_name, 'environment_variables': [{'name': 'VAR_NAME', 'value': 'VAR_VALUE'}]}]})

Please note that you need to replace the placeholders (subscription_id, resource_group_name, container_group_name, container_name) with the actual values specific to your Azure Container Service deployment.